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Doha, Qatar
I have been an overseas teacher living in Kuwait for the past nine years. Recently, I have been hired to teach at Qatar Academy just outside of Doha. I love to learn, spend time with friends & family, listen to music, travel, laugh, and work out. But, most importantly as Eckhart Tolle says, & quote; "I am spirit having a human experience." (and having a wonderful time!)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Yoga & Meditation

Currently I am reading a book called, The Heart and Science of Yoga by Leonard Pearlmutter. Last summer, I attended a class that Leonard taught at his home in upstate NY. It opened up a new world for me and really aligned with the teachings of Eckhart Tolle... being aware and residing in the moment.
Once in a while I am going to mention a few things about Leonard's book that truly inspired me. In chapter one, Leonard discusses how to start meditating as he states,

"During the practice of seated meditation, you ask your mind to let go of its many attachments, distractions, and the passing thoughts and associations of your normal waking experience. You do this not by attempting to stop or repress your thoughts, but by encouraging the mind to focus continuously on one subtle element or object in the present moment. This internal focus of attention helps rest the mind by allowing it to cease its habitual and often stressful mental processes.

As when listening to a beautiful concert, in meditation you are fully alert, but you are not aware of yourself. As your capacity to witness your thoughts is developed, meditation encourages the mind to slow down its customary chatter by surrendering its persistent tendencies to solve problems, analyze, and entertain memories of the past or concerns for hypothetical situations in the future. Seated meditation is simply a silent, effortless, one-pointed focus of attention and awareness." -Leonard Pearlmutter

Long ago, I started getting into spirituality more and more. It started with Joyce Meyer who is a Christian author and speaker. My sister and I even traveled out to Massachusetts to attend one of her sessions. I also watched her half-hour shows before going to work which inspired me. I then got hooked onto Sylvia Browne books after seeing her on the Montel Williams show. Many of the things Sylvia talked about just made a lot of sense for me... It also made me think more and more about spirituality and my relationship with God more than organized things. In the past few years I moved onto Eckhart Tolle as well as Leonard Pearlmutter's philosophies and the whole "awakening" process. Although I am constantly growing and evolving as a spirit, I feel that I am finally coming into my own more. Furthermore, I am quite happy and have really loved my 30's.Namaste.


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