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Doha, Qatar
I have been an overseas teacher living in Kuwait for the past nine years. Recently, I have been hired to teach at Qatar Academy just outside of Doha. I love to learn, spend time with friends & family, listen to music, travel, laugh, and work out. But, most importantly as Eckhart Tolle says, & quote; "I am spirit having a human experience." (and having a wonderful time!)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Why I am so Thankful of Kuwait and AIS

1.Spending two years with Missy and the trips that we took together when we were both single… Turkey, Thailand and Cambodia
2.Leaving behind a nine-year relationship in New York that was going nowhere. Being on my own for a year helped me gain my confidence & self-esteem back again. I didn’t know that I lost them until I came here.
3.Meeting the love of my life, David. He is one of the grand surprises that I experienced throughout my time here. Thank you Alex for bringing him over. I will always be in indebted to you for that.
4.Being a part of the PEAK and NESA workshops, both as a participant and presenter. I am sure that my involvement in these helped me to become the kind of teacher I am today.
5.Getting training in the MYP Advanced Language A program in Amsterdam. This workshop helped to solidify many things for me as a teacher at a MYP school. Once again, it helped to make me a stronger, more confident teacher.
6.Having extra money to pay off debt from home. If I was still home, I would be paying off my student loan until the day I die. Credit cards would also be a part of my life style back home too-along with paying off the bill of course!
7.Getting the chance to travel around the world to many wonderful and exotic places. Looking back at my time in Kuwait I realized those trips really helped to define each year I was here and helped to shape who I am today.
8.My apartment! It will be difficult to pack up my lovely place and maybe that is why I keep putting it off. June will be a very bittersweet time when I have to say goodbye to it! I really enjoyed not only the doubles building but even my single girl’s apartment! Also, walking to school every day has been an added bonus that has eliminated much stress from my life.
9.Speaking of stress, my anxiety levels have certainly gone down since coming to Kuwait for many reasons:
• not as many bills to pay as back home
• walk to work
• having a maid
• less family issues to deal with (crazy grandmother, etc)
• no snow or cold weather
• sun always shines
• get to work with people with common interest
• still have many of the conveniences of home
• more prep time at school than back at home
10.Some remarkable memories have occurred over here during my eight years which include:
• getting engaged in Cambodia
• being evacuated in 2003 –sent back home to the states for 6 weeks
• having amazing mentors as principals: Denise and Chris
• survived tsunami in Asia 2004 (Raleigh Beach)
• going on a local TV show to talk about our tsunami experiences
• finally getting to see the Giza pyramids and Nile River
• went on first hot air balloon ride
• rented house in Lombok with a salt-water in-ground pool
• snorkeling in the Maldives
• riding over sand dunes in the Dubai desert and watching belly dancing
• Running in a 10K race in Dubai; Dave running a marathon
• Dave winning the KSAA basketball championship in Kuwait twice; once for U-14
Boys and the other for JV Boys (JV Boys-1st banner ever in 1st place!)
• Going on a tandem paraglide in Southern Turkey at 7,500 feet
11. Meeting some wonderful and special people who will remain a part of my life always. I have learned so much through them and in turn, I have learned more about myself.

I am sure there are many other memories and I may continue to add to this list. Basically, Kuwait has been very good to me and I am so thankful for making the decision to come here in 2002. Taking that leap of faith really worked for me.


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