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Doha, Qatar
I have been an overseas teacher living in Kuwait for the past nine years. Recently, I have been hired to teach at Qatar Academy just outside of Doha. I love to learn, spend time with friends & family, listen to music, travel, laugh, and work out. But, most importantly as Eckhart Tolle says, & quote; "I am spirit having a human experience." (and having a wonderful time!)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Current Weather in Kuwait

What is it about the rain? I have noticed how rain brings out so many emotions in people and it seems we all have a definite opinion of how we feel about it. Maybe because I have been in a desert climate the past eight years, but I love the rain. In fact, having a rain storm is like the first snow back home: a bit exciting, and wondrous.
This week, the weather in Kuwait has been fabulous. First of all, it has been cloudy and the nice thing about that is it stifles the heat a bit. Also, the rain has gently come and gone as well and it's been enjoyable. I've actually had the chance to walk in it using my umbrella; the first time this year! And, as a special treat, we have had the luxury of listening to the thunder crackling in the distance. What a cozy feeling that is! Yet,I remember in my first couple years in Kuwait there was a great deal more rain than what we have now. We used to get rain that would flood the streets (due to a lack of drainage areas). Also, I remember the workers would have to put bookcases down to use as ramps for the kids to get inside the classrooms as the ground was so flooded. Ah! The good old days and all of that excitement.
A few years back we had such a bad storm (lightning, hail, high winds, rain)that it seemed like our living room windows were going to pop out due to the craziness & pressure from outside. I remember being scared enough to run and crouch in the bathroom with my husband right behind me. That same night some bricks had fallen off the rooftop next door and landed with a loud splat on some of the cars below. I guess a brick falling from eight floors can do some damage to a car's hood and the car in general. Glad we were parked a few cars over. Anyway, no matter what the type of rain, I will always be appreciative of it. It is one of the many things I miss from back home.


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