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Doha, Qatar
I have been an overseas teacher living in Kuwait for the past nine years. Recently, I have been hired to teach at Qatar Academy just outside of Doha. I love to learn, spend time with friends & family, listen to music, travel, laugh, and work out. But, most importantly as Eckhart Tolle says, & quote; "I am spirit having a human experience." (and having a wonderful time!)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Accelerated Reader Field Trip 2010

You know it is the end of the school year when Tina (our wonderful middle school librarian) and I take the kids on the AR field trip. For those of you not familiar with AR, it is a reading program based in the library where students basically read books and then take a reading test on a computer. Students generate points per book for each test passed. By the end of the year, we take the top 35 students with the most points on the trip.
This year, we took the kids to the Cozmo bowling center in Salmiya. We ate our lunch first in the food court area of the mall and afterwards hit the lanes. The kids had a blast and it was fun to see them enjoy themselves outside of school. We don't go on many field trips here in Kuwait so it was much appreciated. Unfortunately it was my last AR field trip for AIS which was a bit bittersweet. I will miss so many of the students next year. They are a really good group of kids.


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