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Doha, Qatar
I have been an overseas teacher living in Kuwait for the past nine years. Recently, I have been hired to teach at Qatar Academy just outside of Doha. I love to learn, spend time with friends & family, listen to music, travel, laugh, and work out. But, most importantly as Eckhart Tolle says, & quote; "I am spirit having a human experience." (and having a wonderful time!)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Wanted: Quiet & Serenity on a Thursday Afternoon

In Kuwait, Thursday is our last day of the week. It is our "Friday" back home. By the end of the week, as with any job I believe, I am exhausted. Waking up early, tutoring, and motivating middle schoolers has taken its toll. On the bright side, I look forward to having my weekly dinner out at a nice restaurant to unwind, chat with my friends and relax. One advantage of living in Kuwait, is that many people eat dinner out much later than us. Where I go out from 5-7 PM, they are going out between 7-10. Needless to say, when I am out having dinner, there is usually very few people there which makes the atmosphere extra tranquil.
Tonight during dinner, there was a noticeable change. The key factor being: babies. There were at least two babies in the restaurant and let me tell you, tranquility was gone. It is okay; I don't expect my dinners out to be just with other adults. But what I did realize, is my desire to remain child-free in my own marriage continues to get stronger and stronger by the day. Maybe it is because I am a teacher and I am surrounded by children all week. Maybe it is because I am happy and satisfied with my life, marriage and career and don't feel the need or desire to start a family. Let me tell you, at 3:00 PM after a week of teaching preteens, there is nothing I like better than to stroll back home to my apartment, close the door, take a bath and just see how my weekend unfolds. Sometimes I feel guilty for not wanting to have kids and why is that? I have waited for that maternal feeling to kick in years ago but it never has. I also thought that when you found the right person and got married the mom thing would surface but it still hasn't. Will I regret not having kids someday? I don't think so and so far I haven't. I think the biggest thing I can do is to remain honest with myself. And, as far as my dinner out tonight... I am actually thankful for the meal and the clarity.


Doug Lang said...

Amen to everything you said!! I have actually gone into a restaurant, heard a number of babies crying, then walked out. Too bad I can't do the same on a plane, especially a trans Atlantic crossing, when the babies start to holler in the middle of the night when everyone is trying to sleep! Can't they just put the babies down with the dogs and cats in the cargo area????

Jennifer said...

Hilarious Doug! Glad I have an ally out there! Good to know!


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