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Doha, Qatar
I have been an overseas teacher living in Kuwait for the past nine years. Recently, I have been hired to teach at Qatar Academy just outside of Doha. I love to learn, spend time with friends & family, listen to music, travel, laugh, and work out. But, most importantly as Eckhart Tolle says, & quote; "I am spirit having a human experience." (and having a wonderful time!)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Last Day with the Eighth Grade! Hallelujah!

Today was my last day pushing into the 8th grade classrooms. All eighth-graders had to take their end of the year QRI assessment. I administer this test three times a year to all middle-school students to determine their comprehension reading levels in May.
Now I am left wondering; what is it about those eighth-graders? In general, I find that age to be a very challenging one to teach. It seems that even though they are on the cusp of becoming high-schoolers, they still don't have that maturity yet. And, at the same time, they hold grudges, become more belligerent, and are just "too cool" for 99% of what you what to do with them in class. I think I am just missing that sweetness and innocence that they once had back in 6th or 7th grade.
Another part of my "annoyance" (and this isn't even their fault) is there are too many of them crammed into a tiny classroom. When I first came to Kuwait, there were 15 or 16 in a class. That number was very workable and there was extra room in class to isolate troublemakers or do some re-arranging. Also, the classrooms were originally built for that many I believe. Over the years we continue to go up in class sizes and are now pushing 22 or 23 in a room. Normally, that isn't too bad but it is when your classroom cannot support those numbers. So sad. As I was walking around the room today giving out the test, I noticed how students are tripping over desks, their backpacks and their feet just to go to the bathroom.
When you push into a classroom, you feel a bit like a substitute. It does take a while to build relationships with the kids. Luckily, I have known this bunch of 8th graders since 6th grade so I have that going for me. There are even many 8th graders that I adore on an individual basis. But when they are together as a group, 8th grade is just not my favorite grade-sorry to say.


Doug Lang said...

Wow, fascinating! I hear what you are saying, and I know what you are talking about. And yet, for some reason, after having taught every grade from one through twelve, eighth grade is one of my favourites to teach! I am now wondering if that fact says something bad about me (hey, what's wrong with Lang? He enjoys grade eight students!!).

Jennifer said...

Hey Doug! I think if I had my own class of 8th graders and taught them regularly from Day one in September, it would be different. When I took over some of the 8th grade classes (when we taught together), I really enjoyed it. You need time to build relationships I think as opposed to just seeing them once every 8 days...

Unknown said...

I agree Jenny! My favorite grades are grades 5-7. Keep writing! I enjoy reading your entries. Missy xoxox


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