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Doha, Qatar
I have been an overseas teacher living in Kuwait for the past nine years. Recently, I have been hired to teach at Qatar Academy just outside of Doha. I love to learn, spend time with friends & family, listen to music, travel, laugh, and work out. But, most importantly as Eckhart Tolle says, & quote; "I am spirit having a human experience." (and having a wonderful time!)

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Restaurants in Kuwait

Over the past eight years, I have had many an adventure in some of the restaurants here in Kuwait. Granted there are many to choose from. Some of the newest include: Pizzeria Uno, Romano's Macaroni Grill, PF Changs, etc. The food is great... very similar to that back home in the states. It is more about how they serve you that is always intriguing. Here are some examples of "unusual" service that I have encountered throughout my time here in Kuwait. I admit that most of the oddities come from language barriers as the waiters or waitresses' English is limited.

Johnny Carinos:
Customer: "Does that soup come from a can?"
Waitress: "No it comes in a bowl"
Customer: "No-what I mean is it homemade or does it come from a can?"
Waitress: "No sir it comes in a bowl"

Ok-now on to the next one:

FRESH restaurant

Customer: "Can we have some more maple syrup for our pancakes?"
Waitress: "I am sorry... We don't have...No more."
A few minutes later she brings out dark caro syrup... hmmm... this is not quite the same.
Customer: "No thank you. Can we have some whipped creme and strawberries instead?"
Waitress: "You want creme? Do you want strawberries in the creme?"

FRESH Restaurant again:
8:10 AM Customers are sitting outside for breakfast.
Waiter comes out and offers menus.
Customers are looking at menus.
8:30 AM Customers would like to order... Asks waiter if they can order...
Waiter "Sorry sir/maam... we don't open until 9:00 AM"

TGIF Fridays
Customer to waitress: "I would like to have a club sandwich (toasted) on brown bread."
Waitress brings food. Club sandwich has brown bread but it is not toasted.
Customer: "Is it possible to get this bread toasted?"
Waitress: "OK.." Then she takes the sandwich back to the cooks.
10 minutes later she brings the sandwich back. It is now on WHITE bread but now toasted.
Customer: "Sorry to bother you but I wanted brown bread for my club sandwich."
Waitress:" Yes, I know but we cannot toast brown bread only white bread can be toasted sir."
The tricky part about getting bread toasted here is in Kuwait, they call all bread, (toasted or not), TOAST.

Anyway, I think that is part of the fun of living overseas...It is a lot of small differences that add so much to your daily life. Every day is truly an adventure.

1 comment:

Doug Lang said...

Jen, you brought back two strong yet fun memories of eating in restaurants in Kuwait. Firstly, Johnnny Carino's - lemon rosemary chicken! Need I say more? We didn't even need to look at menus, did we?
Secondly, going into Chili's, and only ordering the never-ending chips and salsa, then the molten chocolate dessert. No entree!! The waitress never did figure that one out!!!
I look forward to new memories when you and Dave join me in Qatar this September. Can't wait to share with you all the great restaurants in THIS country!!


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