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Doha, Qatar
I have been an overseas teacher living in Kuwait for the past nine years. Recently, I have been hired to teach at Qatar Academy just outside of Doha. I love to learn, spend time with friends & family, listen to music, travel, laugh, and work out. But, most importantly as Eckhart Tolle says, & quote; "I am spirit having a human experience." (and having a wonderful time!)

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

New York Wine Country

This past weekend, I had the pleasure of returning to the Cayuga Lake wine trail which is located in the Finger Lakes region of NY. If you look on a map, Cayuga Lake is one of the bigger of the lakes and as you proceed down the trail, you end up in Ithaca NY which is a really cool city as I found out.
Getting back to Cayuga Lake... One of the things that I love about that area in general is that it is all about farming. It contains wineries, orchards, grain fields as well as corn everywhere you look. The land is rugged, yet pure... as if you were going back in time. Life moves at a slower pace which is welcoming when you are on vacation.
One of the wineries I enjoyed in particular was the Knapp family winery. We had a wonderful server who was an elderly, retired, gentleman and just as sweet as can be. He made our experience there that much better with his honesty, warmth, and conversation. The Knapp winery specializes in Riesling wines (which we bought a bottle of) and makes a killer red table wine which I purchased as well. Although I am not a big wine drinker (or drinker of alcohol in general), I still like to have a glass of red wine from time to time. When you live in a dry country for as long as I have, it is nice to be able to even buy a bottle of wine. As my friend Regina says, "I want the right to be able to say 'no'!"
It had been about 15 years since I had visited the wineries and it may just be another 15 years until I go back. Yet, I enjoyed my time there and each time I return, I learn just a little bit more about wine.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tomisms! (Funny Things my Dad Says Everyday)

I am making a list of things my Dad says or does as I have been home... I will continue adding more to the list as time goes by. Warning: There are some swears here....
1. Asks Dave, "Which is better, HD TV or 3 D TV?"
2. Dad has a shot of whiskey sometimes before bed at night. He pours the whiskey into a shot glass (I thought he was going to drink it as a shot) but he takes it into the living room and sips out of it for 1/2 an hour...? I asked if he would rather put it into a glass with ice and he says no. Okay.....
3. "This finicky remote pisses me off!"
4. Talking about the killer in Peru.... "Give him some electrical treatment and he will talk!"
5. Talking about the Clint Eastwood songs on his Ipod.... "I got his songs on my Ipod...I love them... They are brain relaxers!"
6. Talking about the crazy farmer next door "You tick him off and you'll wake up with a shit spreader in your bedroom!"
7. "Come and look at this! One of the dogs took a shit on my lawmower! They must not think too much of it to do that! I am flabbergasted!"
8. By God... Look at that! Another ass drencher! (Talking about the storm)

I will continue to add more as the summer goes by. Too funny not to post!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Past Eight Years in Kuwait and what I have Learned from Some of the Men Here

This list of things is meant to be sarcastic and funny but honest at the same time! These are based on some of my experiences in Kuwait.

1. Do not answer your cell phone when you do not recognize the number. More than likely it is a random guy looking for a date, a hook-up or just to annoy you. It seems men call random numbers in hopes of the above. Gross and just plain stupid.
2. Be careful of walking around in supermarkets. Some men will follow you around with an empty shopping cart while trying to keep their distance behind you. I don’t know what they want, but I imagine it is similar to number one.
3. When riding in a car, do not look out your window to the left or right at anytime. Some men will take this as a flirty invite and may follow you all around the town.
4. Walking right behind your husband actually does have its advantages. It will block the stares of other men trying to sneak a peek.
5. You will have to raise your voice often (because you are not being listened to or taken seriously). Unfortunately, I have learned that I need a megaphone to be heard. I have even thrown my sunglasses on the ground in a fit of rage to get a point across. Geez!
6. When you are in Starbucks and feel you are being watched, YES you probably are! I have noticed some men using a newspaper to spy on me from behind it. Ick!
7. Do not be overly concerned if weirdo men pull over in their cars as you are walking to ask if you are married or have a boyfriend. Also, these same men may have curtains hanging up in their car over the windows. This is very common-moronic, but common.
8. Don't sit in the subway (restaurant) window to eat your sandwich while you are there. Men will walk by and keep walking by to stare. Maybe they think you are one of the store displays. I do not know.

Of course not all men are like this. It is usually the random guy here and there. I have become much stronger from all of my experiences


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