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Doha, Qatar
I have been an overseas teacher living in Kuwait for the past nine years. Recently, I have been hired to teach at Qatar Academy just outside of Doha. I love to learn, spend time with friends & family, listen to music, travel, laugh, and work out. But, most importantly as Eckhart Tolle says, & quote; "I am spirit having a human experience." (and having a wonderful time!)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tomisms! (Funny Things my Dad Says Everyday)

I am making a list of things my Dad says or does as I have been home... I will continue adding more to the list as time goes by. Warning: There are some swears here....
1. Asks Dave, "Which is better, HD TV or 3 D TV?"
2. Dad has a shot of whiskey sometimes before bed at night. He pours the whiskey into a shot glass (I thought he was going to drink it as a shot) but he takes it into the living room and sips out of it for 1/2 an hour...? I asked if he would rather put it into a glass with ice and he says no. Okay.....
3. "This finicky remote pisses me off!"
4. Talking about the killer in Peru.... "Give him some electrical treatment and he will talk!"
5. Talking about the Clint Eastwood songs on his Ipod.... "I got his songs on my Ipod...I love them... They are brain relaxers!"
6. Talking about the crazy farmer next door "You tick him off and you'll wake up with a shit spreader in your bedroom!"
7. "Come and look at this! One of the dogs took a shit on my lawmower! They must not think too much of it to do that! I am flabbergasted!"
8. By God... Look at that! Another ass drencher! (Talking about the storm)

I will continue to add more as the summer goes by. Too funny not to post!


mellovesparis said...

Love them! I got to put them on my blog!

mellovesparis said...

Love them! I got to put them on my blog!


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