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Doha, Qatar
I have been an overseas teacher living in Kuwait for the past nine years. Recently, I have been hired to teach at Qatar Academy just outside of Doha. I love to learn, spend time with friends & family, listen to music, travel, laugh, and work out. But, most importantly as Eckhart Tolle says, & quote; "I am spirit having a human experience." (and having a wonderful time!)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Feeling Indifferent

Lately I have been feeling indifferent... It is the kind of thing that I think is natural when you know you are leaving your current job and country to go somewhere else and do something different. There have been days where I just go though the motions: nothing is really bad nor is it really good. I am not depressed in any way... but would just like to get excited about something. I have a trip coming up during spring break and perhaps that will get me going a bit. I've been keeping a gratitude list at work on my computer that I started a couple years ago as well. Being grateful has always been a way of keeping myself grounded. Living overseas is a bit tough at times because there are always moments that you need for family to be around-even if it is just for a hug.
2 1/2 more months of school left and I welcome those months with a thankful and loving heart (even if I am indifferent!)

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